Breath of Hope
Ministry Inc.

Breath of Hope Ministry believes in The Trinity, Father, Son and Holy Spirit. We believe The Bible is the inspired Word of God. We believe Jesus Christ is son of God, was crucified, died and rose from the dead. Breath of Hope Ministry is based upon biblical principles. Many individuals, families, couples, parents, or youths have lost hope in life and in God due to situations, circumstances and issues they have been faced with. However, Breath of Hope Ministry goes about the highways and byways with the message of hope to those we encounter with the good news of the Gospel.
Confidence in God through Jesus Christ through us is greatly needed by all inhabitants of the world.
We are determined to present the Gospel to many and in various ways that would be pleasing to God, from the community to the world at large.
At this time, we have welcomed various activities at our present location and we are looking forward to accommodating many more in the now and future.

Here at Breath of Hope, individuals and families of all faiths are welcome. Step in for a Sunday service and leave feeling enlightened. Feel free to even become a member.
Wherever you are, God's loving arms embrace you, your friends, and your family. To that end we strive to be welcoming, responsive, trusting and prayerful in everything we do.